Endurance racing is a technological testing ground for transportation that has less-impact on and is more respectful of the environment. As such, the top class remains hybrid in 2020-2025. All competitors will field hybrid cars with systems they have already developed themselves, or that they have rented from a hybrid system supplier for 3 million euros (running cost for two cars over a season) for private teams. In fact, every constructor which develops its own hybrid system has the option of making it available to private teams for 3 million euros.
The years of racing development of hybrid systems since introduction in 2012 will allow designated budgets to decrease significantly. From tens of millions needed during the first years of research, now more reasonable budgets are possible. Racing allows this democratization and standardization of technologies.
There will be only one hybrid system, on the front axle, set to generate 200 kW. The minimum weight of the battery is to be 70 kg, and the motor 50 kg. This easily-achievable specification does not require expensive development.
The thermal engine will generate 520 kW, with a minimum weight of 180 kg. A specific consumption amount will be defined to limit expensive developmental costs on the engine.
The minimum weight of the car is fixed at 1,040 kg. Aerodynamic efficiency is controlled by the regulations and is framed to avoid any additional expense. This efficiency will be test measured in a wind tunnel at full scale during the homologation.