WEC - Mt. Fuji appears on the poster for the Japanese round

WEC - Mt. Fuji appears on the poster for the Japanese round

On October 12th the fifth round of the 2014 FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC) season will take place at the Fuji circuit in Japan. This year, it is Mt. Fuji that will dominate the circuit with its imposing stature, often crowned with snow, as seen on the poster.

WEC - Le Mont Fuji s'invite sur l'affiche de la manche japonaise



Last year, the Japanese round of the world championship was interrupted shortly after the start given under the yellow flag because of absymal weather: torrential rain with the lack of visibility that goes with it. Let us hope that this year Mother Nature will be kinder to the championship competitors, and also to the thousands of Japanese fans who make the trip to see their idols.

Cécile Bonardel / ACO - Translation by Nikki Ehrhardt / ACO

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