A blacksmith and engineer, August Horch (Horch in German translates to "Listen" which in Latin translates to "Audat") was also a visionary, creating the firm Automotive Industry Union Deutschland (AUDI) in 1909. The German brand gained its first success in the Austrian Alps during races in 1912, 1913 and 1914. The crisis of 1929 did not spare the company, and it merged with other manufacturers to become Auto Union AG. But after August Horch died in 1951, at the age of 73, the company was revived in 1969 in a merger with NSU and took on the four rings as the company emblem that has led to the success that it has today. Find out in this video some pictures of the fabulous story of August Horch, a pioneer of the automobile.

All videos are available on the site: www.lemans-tv.com
Thierry Arman and Cécile Bonardel / ACO - Translated by Tony Light/ACO