24 Hours of Le Mans - The new garages are taking shape

24 Hours of Le Mans - The new garages are taking shape

Four new garages are under construction at the end of the pit lane, although only two will be used this year.

The underground installations are complete and work can now continue above ground. The new garages are gradually taking shape and once the concrete pillars are in place we shall be able to see what the final result will look like.
See our Facebook page for a photo update.

[#TravauxCircuit ]Les travaux des stands ne cessent d'avancer!#24LM #TravauxQuick update on the new pit-boxes! As you can see things are going well! #LM24 #LeMansPhoto: JR Roger (ACO)

Posté par 24 Heures du Mans sur lundi 25 janvier 2016
Cécile Bonardel / ACO – Translated from French by Emma Paulay

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